Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Children, Cholesterol, and warm weather

So it's been a bit. But things have been kind of crazy around here. Too much work not enough play, and an ongoing itch to get outside. As Big sis did last week I have been doing much of the same, WALKING. P and I have been taking regular walks around the neighborhood. Up the big hills and down the little ones and boy o boy is dad finding out he outta shape. Whoa, (Dad) that was kind of weird. Anyways the weather is nice and P gets excited everytime she sees the stroller come out so I guess its a good thing. Some times we even stop to play and check out the views. usually by the time we get home she is sound asleep. Its amazing how much of a little person she is becoming. Such as the other day I found her in her crib on her side leg propped up on her triangles sound asleep and all I could think was my gosh she really is my daughter. It's fun being a DAD.

With the warm weather bring the birds, the ants, and the sounds of nature. Last week the ants started there invasion process. Yea there was a halt put to that one right away one box of granuals and two cans of spray later, no more ants. Then we have the wonderful nut hatch who seems to think the garage is his pecking post. With a little help from some aluminum foil I think hes figured out we don't want him here. Then to top it all off a really cool experience this afternoon at work saw a coyote. Nothing really new right, WRONG. This guy was playing all around the top of one of the lifts till finally after the third pass by he was sitting watching us drive by and howling. Like we where interupting something. And when I say watching I mean watching each and every machine as it drove by. He seemed almost human. These are the reasons I enjoy the job.

Finally after securing insurance, Yeaaaaa, I went to the doctors office. Who told me about my cholesterol which was high. Great no more good food time for rabbit food. M has been helping emensly making sure I stay on track, thanks dear. But one of the things the doctor told me was exercise more, hence the walking. I guess it all worked out for the best. I get to spend quality time with my daughter and feel better for it. So all in all things have been busy and they don't look to slow down anytime soon. Well except for going to see auntie B. That will be a much needed break. Sunbasin and I have been in contact and it looks to be a good year but start early like next week. Knew it would happen sooner than later.

1 comment:

  1. Auntie B is SO ready for a visit from baby P and her peeps! :) Bring her stroller, we'll walk the big hills here...okay, maybe not. Love u.
