Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Double standards

So the other night at work I hit a sign with my snowcat. The corporation I work for has a $500 tolerance policy. In other words anything over that amount you must submit a urine sample for drug testing. I am one of the lucky ones who gets to go pee, no big deal I'll pass no problem. Where my question comes in is in the past two weeks there have been two other people who have done more damage and haven't had to submit a test. What makes them so special? Why can't people hold standards to everyone except a few? I understand the fact that I messed up but when other mess up they should be held to the same rules as everyone else. It is almost a discrimination thing. I just don't understand it. I wonder what the labor board would think. I would never go as far as to report anything this minor but I feel like I'm being singled out and that is just unethical and very wrong. I just don't get it. I think it may be time to move on to something else for next winter ski resorts just have way to many issues.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Weather, cat, and life

So today we got the word that there will be up to and exceeding five feet of snow at lake level by the end of the week. Yipee. It will make life easier at work but I see more damage to the machine because of peoples lack of concern. So far we are up around 25,000 in damages this year and that doesn't include the new one from last night. As I have said before slow down people take more time.
This week pretty much sucked we lost our kitty to some unknow problem we tried everything we could but in the end had to put him down. Making decisions like that are very hard for those who don't know. I think it will be awhile before we get another animal, thats two in the last three years. All in all everything else is going well the wife is hangin with a friend tonight and I get to hang with the parents and baby. Should be a good weekend. Bring on the snow!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The on goings of a corporations

We have a young man at the hill, name lets say tom, who has been with us for three years now. He is getting really good and doing a great job. But it was brought to our attention the other day that he is leading a group of people around who know nothing about the hill and helping in training them and he is making almost 2 doallars an hour less than them. This got me thinking so today we, me and another lead, talked with a supervisor to try and at least see if we could get him a little more and the response we got was, "Well these are though times and we are still under what we made this time last year". Wait a minute! What the **** is that. We have been open two weeks more than we where last year and were under. I don't think so! Nice try, try again. It is the corporate world. Come to think of it our CEO and others below him got huge bonuses last year for doing such a great job with the budget. But we can't give one person a 50 cent or dollar raise. It's kind of disturbing to think about. What happened to lets take care of our own? As they always tell us. Greed thats what it's not surprising but frustrating to think that in today world poeple just can't get over them selves and help another. So now that my frustrations are out THANKS SIS for all you do you and those around. You all make this world a better place for all of us. Wish people would just learn from others.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Todays superficial world

Ok so this last week at work has been well, a rough one. Machines breaking down, people wanting more than is available and everyone in turmoil. Now my question is. Why is it so frekin hard? I am one who would like to go to work and do my job, but as of lately it seems I am a mediator. No one is happy, you make one person happy it pisses off someone else. Why can't people just accept things are the way they are and move on. We have one employee, well call bob, who isn't happy no matter what. Bob seems to think that if hes not around to to tell people how to do it that its all gonna fall apart. Well guess what bob you've been gone for a week and nothing fell apart get over it dude. So getting to a superficial world people think they need more than they really do. We all want certain things, yes, but are they things we could live without, yes. I believe all we need is our family and friends. If we don't have that what do we have. Its been a great Holiday season but to be honest with you what happened to just enjoying it and remembering why we celebrate. Gifts are nice but do we need to spend so much money on stuff we don't need, or should we take that money and use it throughout the year on each other to go do things together. I think that would be more fun. I don't know maybe I'm just a simpleton but I am just getting tried of all the, I want, I need, I gotta have attitude in today's world. Grow up people its not that important you FAMILY is.