Friday, January 15, 2010

Weather, cat, and life

So today we got the word that there will be up to and exceeding five feet of snow at lake level by the end of the week. Yipee. It will make life easier at work but I see more damage to the machine because of peoples lack of concern. So far we are up around 25,000 in damages this year and that doesn't include the new one from last night. As I have said before slow down people take more time.
This week pretty much sucked we lost our kitty to some unknow problem we tried everything we could but in the end had to put him down. Making decisions like that are very hard for those who don't know. I think it will be awhile before we get another animal, thats two in the last three years. All in all everything else is going well the wife is hangin with a friend tonight and I get to hang with the parents and baby. Should be a good weekend. Bring on the snow!!!!!!!!


  1. The girls and I will be up that way on Thursday... hope we make it! Is it bad if I hope we make it, get snowed in and can't make it home? Miss you! Kiss the babe!

  2. Meg has that big truck...she'll make it! Doesn't mean it's big enough to make it out...bummer :)

    Keep smilin, bro! See you in two weeks!
